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Bianca D. Goodrum, PhD, LPC-S

Assistant Professor of Education, Counseling Program
Moye Hall, Room 307

Curriculum Vitae

Areas of Expertise

One of my areas of expertise consists of Counselor Wellness and the importance of counselors taking care of themselves while doing the hard work of holding space for their clients and their needs. I can talk all day about ALL things Counselor Wellness and Self-Care; embarrassingly so might I add :)!  

My dissertation topic focused on Grief Counselors and their self-care and wellness practices, so it is a deep part of who I am as counselor! I truly believe that the work we get to do as counselors is really good work and in order to offer our best selves and do good work with our clients; we have to care for ourselves; although much easier said than done at times! It is a process!

My other area of expertise is holding space for grief work as I have had the honor and privilege of holding space for grieving clients for 10 years.

Teaching Philosophy

My philosophy of teaching connects to the tenants of Person-Centered theory and the Constructivist approach. Utilizing a Person-Centered approach as a Counselor Educator means I offer unconditional positive regard to my students and their learning needs as I meet them where they are, I am congruent with how I present both personally and professionally and lastly, I am empathetic with my students, their needs and their learning styles as to offer my best to them in class. 

Furthermore, when utilizing a Constructivist approach as a Counselor Educator this allows me to work with my students from the perspective of meaning making based on their prior and current experiences as way for learning to occur. This also means being a facilitator who facilitates conversation as a way to engage students and dialogue with them; rather than taking a teacher stance and talking at them. 

Outside Interests

Fun Facts about me: I love to do word searches; I love connecting with my family and my 17-year-old nephew and my closest friends whom I call my Tribe. I love ALL things Marvel. I love listening to music  -- I have it on all day long; love-love watching TV; enjoy going for walks as a way to decompress and release stress. I have also recently picked up reading books again and I have found this to be something I am enjoying a lot!   


Assistant Professor of Education Bianca Goodrum


Certifications and Memberships


  • LPC-S: Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor (Texas; License #73119) 
  • Certified Youth Mental Health First Aid Instructor

Professional Memberships:

  • Texas Counseling Association (TCA) 

Awards and Honors

  • 2023: Alumni Address at Commencement -Texas A&M University-San Antonio
  • 2023: Alumni Feature in Texas A&M University- San Antonio Adelante Magazine
  • 2020: Alumni Feature in Texas A&M University- San Antonio Adelante Magazine
  • 2019: Recipient of Spirit of the Jaguar Award – Texas A&M University-San Antonio             


  • PhD - Counselor Education and Supervision, CACREP Program, University of Texas at San Antonio
  • Master of Arts - Counseling and Guidance, Texas A&M University-San Antonio
  • Bachelor of Science - Health Emphasis in Community Health, Texas A&M University-College Station