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GANAS Scholarship for STEM Majors

Please Note: No new scholarships are being awarded at this time.

The GANAS (Growing A Network for Aspiring Scholars) Scholarship Program at ¾«¶«Ó°Òµ provides funding to low-income, academically talented students with unmet financial need who are majoring in one or more of the following:


• Biology
• Chemistry
• Chemical Biology
• Mathematics
• Biomathematics
• Computer Information Systems and Security

Scholarships were funded during the fall of 2021 and 2022 by the National Science Foundation S-STEM grant and are up to $5,000 per year for up to four years.

Resources and Mentorship

In addition to scholarship funding, the GANAS Scholarship Program provides students with important resources and mentorship to help them excel in a STEM field. Some of the activities and resources that students and their families will have access to as GANAS scholars are:

Family Integration 

• Orientation for students and families to assist with navigating as a first-year STEM student 
• Online community for the families of scholars 
• Regular communications for families
• End-of-year celebration for students and families

Development of STEM Identity 

• STEM Learning Community for sharing experiences
• Connections to student groups such as CyberSaints, Chemistry Club, First Generation Student Association, etc. to explore interests and meet students both inside and outside STEM 


• Mentoring and coaching by faculty and peers 
• Integrated academic and career advising
• Tutoring  

The goal of the GANAS scholarship program is to provide students with a strong support system to help ensure successful completion of a STEM degree.

For more information about program resources available to scholars, please email Dr. Vanessa Clark at
