University Ministry

Our Lady of the Lake University Ministry is rooted in Catholic identity along with the foundation inherited by the Congregation of Divine Providence. University and student ministers embark on a journey with the community of students, faculty, staff and administration of all faith traditions in fostering individual and communal transformation through opportunities for prayer and retreat, worship and sacramental celebrations, community service and reflections. The initiatives of University Ministry embody commitment to gospel values, a global worldview, a reverence for life, collaborative partnerships and social justice.
We as a community of scholars with a global Christian view of creation:
- Seek truth through the blend of faith and intellect
- View knowledge as a gift from God and not simply utilitarian and pragmatic
- Explore ultimate questions in the course of Christian reflection
- Pursue spiritual and secular wisdom informed by the diverse perspectives of the liberal arts and sciences
- Appreciate and respect the unique dignity of each person
- Educate for peace and justice in our world
- Attend to the less advantaged with a responsive service that fosters justice, peace, and freedom of the Gospels
- Celebrate and worship our God in the Catholic tradition
- Graduate proficient leaders of moral character who are committed to serve others
Interested in getting connected with our faith community?
Contact Director of University Ministry, Nick Lopez, MTS at
Walk ins welcome at Elliott House Room #103.