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Tuition Equalization Grant (TEG)

Eligibility Requirements

  • Are Texas residents or are non-resident National Merit Finalists;
  • Show financial need
  • Are enrolled in a degree plan leading to a baccalaureate or master's degree
  • Earn and maintain an overall college GPA of at least a 2.5 on a 4.0 scale and complete at least 24 credit hours per year (18 credit hours per year if a graduate student)
  • Full-time enrollment
  • Are not receiving athletic scholarships
  • If male, must register for Selective Service

Note: The Bachelor of Arts degree in Theology and Spiritual Action is not eligible for state funding.  

A student who is ineligible for a TEG award based on grade point average (GPA), completion rate, or number of completed hours for satisfactory academic progress, or enrollment less than three-quarter time may be deemed eligible under a hardship provision.

Institutional Hardship Policy for TEG Funds

精东影业 may allow a student to receive TEG renewal without maintaining the required 2.5 GPA or completing the minimum 24 hours coursework under the following conditions:

  1. Documentation of a severe illness that affected the student's academic performance.
  2. Documentation that the student is responsible for the care of a sick, injured, or needy person that affected his or her academic performance; or
  3. Documentation of a debilitating condition (including non-physical health issues) that affected the student's academic performance.

Students not meeting the requirements for TEG renewal, but who would like to appeal, must complete the TEG Hardship Appeal form.


