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Crime Prevention

When a criminal act is committed, the University Police Department conducts an extensive investigation. The discovery of any criminal offenses should be reported to the University Police. The results of the investigation are provided to university administration or appropriate law enforcement channels for final disposition. University Police Department personnel make themselves available to all students, faculty and staff members to participate in programs covering such topics as public safety services, crime services, and crime prevention and operation identification.  

To report a crime or an emergency on the Our Lady of the Lake University campus, call the University Police Department (UPD) at 210-431-4022, or from outside the university phone system at 210-433-0911.

To report a non-emergency or public safety related matter, call UPD at 210-431-4022.


Other Campus Officials

University Police recognizes that some individuals may be hesitant about reporting crimes to the police, but may be more inclined to report incidents to other campus officials designated as "Other Campus Security Officials." Reports of campus crimes can be made to the following individuals:

  • Director of Residence Life - 210-434-6711, ext. 2313
  • Director of Human Resources - 210-431-3970
  • Director of Counseling Services - 210-431-4053 
  • Director of Health Services - 210-431-3919 
  • Vice President for Student Affairs - 210-431-3954 
  • Director of Mission and Ministry - 210- 431-2193

Other Campus Officials may contact University Police for further assistance.

A complainant may request to make a confidential statement to other campus officials concerning crimes. The statements made to other campus officials are confidential unless they pose a continued threat to the safety of the campus community. When no threat is posed, the only information disclosed is for the purpose of collecting data to be included in the annual crime statistics. A complainant may also make a confidential statement to the Director of Counseling Services or the Director of Health Services. These officials are exempt from disclosing information to the University Police Department (except by law in cases where there is an immediate threat to the safety of an individual, other person, children or the elderly).

Community Crime Prevention

If you see a suspicious person or activity, or need to report a crime, call the Police using the following numbers:

  • Non-emergency number - 210-431-4022 - Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
  • Emergency number - 210-433-0911 - 24 hours a day, seven days a week

If you see a suspicious person, or unusual activity, call the police and be prepared to describe the person by:

  • Gender
  • Race
  • Color, texture and length of hair
  • Body size: height and weight
  • Scars, tattoos, or other identifiable body marks 
  • Clothing
  • Facial hair: beard, mustache, or sideburns
  • Mode of travel: type of travel - if by vehicle, describe the type, color, and license plate number

Do not approach the person or attempt to resolve any situation that be potential danger.

If you are burglarized:

If you believe that you are the victim of a campus burglary, call the Police. Do not touch anything in the suspected burglarized area and do not allow anyone to enter the area. After officers arrive, be available to list the items of property you believe are missing, if any, and the approximate value of each item.

If your vehicle is stolen: 

If you believe that your vehicle has been stolen from 精东影业 property, call the Police and provide them with the following information:

  • Type of vehicle (e.g. car, truck, motorcycle, or bike)
  • Make, model and year of the car (e.g. 2010 Toyota Corolla)
  • Color
  • License plate number
  • Number of doors or convertible
  • Personal property, if any, that may be found in the vehicle
  • Whether or not your keys were left inside the vehicle

If you are assaulted or robbed:

If you are the victim of an assault or robbery, call the Police. At the victim's request, the University Police Department will assist the victim in notifying the San Antonio Police Department if the assault or robbery occurred off campus. It is important to try to remember as many identifying characteristics about the person. These include:

  • Gender
  • Race
  • Color, texture and length of hair
  • Body size: height and weight
  • Scars, tattoos, or other identifiable body marks
  • Clothing
  • Facial hair: beard, mustache, or sideburns
  • Mode of travel; type of travel - if by vehicle, describe the type, color and license plate number

If possible, be able to describe the weapon used, if any. The color, type and size of the weapon used in the assault or robbery are important pieces of information for the police to know.

Silent Witness Program

We live and work in a small community, and we all like to think of it as "home." While we would wish otherwise, it is often true that members of our extended family here on campus may cause problems for others. When crimes do occur on campus, several things can be said with absolute certainty of fact:

  • Since our campus is small, it is almost certain that someone has either seen the event take place or knows someone who did.
  • There is a greater likelihood someone has heard or seen something or someone, which leads them to believe they were either involved or know the persons who were.
  • Someone wishes to provide the University Police with information but does not wish to be identified as the party providing the information.

To this end, we have provided a completely anonymous method of contacting the University Police Department to provide timely information. Whether you saw it, heard it, or heard about it, you may be able to assist us in resolving Campus Crime issues by providing us with information. Complete the Silent Witness Form or if you would like to call in your report, call 210-431-4111.

Other Crime Reporting Methods

Reports of crimes that occur off campus can be made to the San Antonio Police Department at 210-207-7273 or the Bexar County Sheriff's Office at 210-335-6000.
